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Mobile Cranes

Demag AC30 CITY
Demag AC30 CITY

Modern crane DEMAG AC30 CITY is ready to serve your needs. The crane is quite compact. It has no cab, which makes it very short and enables the crane to enter the spaces that are not accessible for other cranes. The modern technical equipment makes it safer and easier to control. It can be used not only in open terrain but mainly inside buildings thanks to its low travelling height and rotation of all the wheels. Chassis configuration 4x4x4.

The main advantage of the crane and all the cranes of LTM, LTC and AC type in general is its capability of working around 360° unlike the older cranes AD (TATRA) where the limitation at the driver side occurs. Configuration 4x4x4 (rotation of the rear axle, crab steering) enables manipulation even inside the smallest spaces with limited access. The mobile crane is fast, strong, stable and has fine and sensitive controls. All our mobile cranes of LTM, LTC and AC category are modern machines without unpleasant side effects such as oil pollution, serious exhaust emission and high breakdown rate. Our machines are equipped for common operations: different types and sizes of the chains, different sizes and loading capacity of the hoisting slings, the shackles 4 pieces 12,5t, 4 pieces 5t, 4 pieces 1,5t.

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Maximum load 30 t
Technical specifications
Demag AC30 CITY
Demag AC30 CITY